There's a solution.

The secret to student success
is helping them find the right major.

Help your high school students today.

Create a Free Account

We can help you help your students.

The one simple act of assuring that a student is aligned with the right major can improve college retention rates and help them stay on track to graduate.

  • Carlie found a best-fit major as a high school senior with her major recommendations, selected the right college and graduated in four years.

  • Frank changed his major three times, but with the help of his Advisor and Advisement Report he had a back-up plan to stay on track.

  • Jen always wanted to be a Pediatrician, she loved kids but hated chemistry. After the assessment, she found a better-fit helping kids in education.

  • As a first-generation student, Karina found a passion in Management after completing the MyMajors assessment.

  • Project 5

    by John Doe

  • Project6

    by John Doe

  • Project7

    by John Doe

  • Project8

    by John Doe

Help Your Students Find a Major and Graduate in 4 Years.

MyMajors is a free program for high schools and counselors. Our knowledge-based assessment emulates a student to counselor interview that matches students to their best-fit Major, College and Career based on their academic aptitude, interests and personality.

Create Your Free Account

How can we help your program?

Our powerful web-based program provides the tools you need to help your students create their college and career plan.

The assessment is highly accurate and counselors and administrators can access student results.

Create Your Free Account Today

With your MyMajors account you'll be able to provide the assessment to your students, access their results through our dashboard, generate a unique web address specific for your school and provide students with a resource to find their Major.

Sample Advisement Report

National Science Foundation

awarded MyMajors two SBIR grants to improve college completion and student advising.

Proven Results of Student Success

MyMajors students had a 13.8% higher retention rate than the national average. Students completed their degree in four years at an 11.3% higher rate.

Hispanic (11.6% higher) and African American (20.9% higher) both had higher four year graduation rates than the national average.

Executive Summary

"I love the option of being able to access the results myself in order to have more effective conversations with my students."

Connie Litzsinger Wentzville-Holt High school

"I have incorporated the MyMajors into each one-on-one with our Juniors and Sophomores each year."

Joellen Nemeth John S. Burke Catholic High School

"We are placing a strong emphasis on CCR. MyMajors will help us help our students decide on a college and a major."

Chelle Leininger Hugoton High School

Access Student Results for Advising Sessions

With automatic email notifications, you will be able to access results immediately. A custom dashboard for your school is included with your account. The dashboard includes access to student's Advisement Report and ability download all student data to a .CSV Excel file for easy access.

Start your free trial